
Not just Aroclors – The Inadvertent PCB Problem

Not just Aroclors – The Inadvertent PCB Problem

Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are chlorinated organic compounds widely used in various industrial applications from the 1930s until their ban in the late 1970s. The compounds have excellent heat resistance and electrical insulating properties, so they were commonly used in industrial equipment. PCBs were also prevalent in caulking as a plasticizer in buildings constructed between 1950…

6PPD, Salmon, and Tires

6PPD, Salmon, and Tires

You probably know what salmon and tires are, but have you ever heard of 6PPD? How about 6PPD-q? 6PPD stands for N-(1,3-dimethylbutyl)-N’-phenyl-p-phenylenediamine. When this compound is exposed to air, ozone reacts with 6PPD to form its quinone, 6PPD-q. How about salmon and tires? 6PPD is a tire stabilizer that prevents tires from breaking down. As…