Our Clean Screen® columns are the most recognizable UCT product line. Columns in this line are the industry standard for mixed-mode solid phase extraction for drugs of abuse and clinical drugs. Analytical demand for more efficient, robust and clean extraction of drugs from biological matrices led to the development of the Clean Screen DAU sorbent. Since 1986, The Clean Screen® line has led the industry with dependable and reproducible Solid Phase Extraction products and applications.
Many Clean Screen® phases are true copolymeric sorbents that contain hydrophobic and ion exchange functional groups uniquely polymerized to a silica substrate. The design and quality of Clean Screen® provides superior sample clean up, recovery and reproducibility. Mixed mode separations allow maximum selectivity for extraction of acids, neutrals and bases. This selectivity makes Clean Screen® ideal for both screening and confirmation analysis for virtually all drug categories. Clean Screen® DAU and THC columns are used extensively by forensic and clinical chemists including: Post Mortem Investigations, Criminal Investigations, Urine Drug Testing, Athletic Drug Testing, Animal Racing Laboratories, Therapeutic Drug Monitoring, & Medical Drug Screening.